In Season Today

Now in season | Coming Soon | Farm Hours | Questions
Wondering what is ready for picking?

It’s Time to Subscribe!

Fill out the information below to be part of our email list!  You will be notified of any special events at our farm and, most importantly, when picking for fruits and vegetables begins.  You don’t want to miss out on the biggest, sweetest strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, and everything else as it comes into season! 

Sign me up!

Now in Season

  • Please call ahead to pick up oven-ready whole turkeys, turkey parts, and pies.
  • We highly recommend that you follow us on our Facebook or Instagram page for the most up-to-date information on what’s going on at the farm.

Coming Soon

We will officially reopen in May when strawberries are ready (usually around Memorial Day weekend).

Farm Hours

Monday through Saturday 9 to 6 and Sunday 2 to 6

Please leave your pets at home
*We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We do NOT accept American Express or checks.

For any further questions, call (609) 448-0629.